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Six Industries, One Revolution: The No-Code Wave

The No-Code Revolution's impact continues to grow across industries. Let's take a look at six examples of its ongoing influence.

To the surprise of no one watching the development of the No-Code Revolution, the no-code wave is reaching the shores of industries the world over. Nowadays, it seems like there’s a new no-code solution around every corner for solving our day-to-day tech problems.

And thanks in part due to these no-code advancements, it’s now easier than ever for people of a non-technical background to dive head-first into a variety of fields and areas that once required specialization.

In this article, we’ll take a quick look at six industries impacted by the no-code revolution—finance, retail, healthcare, gaming, food service, and mobile app testing—and what these developments mean for the future.

Banking and finance

We all know the saying: Money makes the world go round. And indeed it does— everyone in the modern world uses in some form. Managing the exchange of currency requires a lot of databases, storage, and—of course—development, and no-code solutions have appeared to help maximize efficiency for these complex tasks.

Specifically, keeping track of what goes in and what goes out is a key function of financial institutions. Ensuring that a financial institution’s processes operate correctly and accurately is key to a satisfied customer base. To that end, the Goldman Sachs Group Inc. has been funding a variety of no-code and low-code solutions. According to a 2021 report from The Wall Street Journal:

“There’s a massive shortage of skills,” Mr. Weerawarana said. Low-code software offers non-tech employees an intuitive, simple and clear way to create apps themselves, without weeks or even months of back-and-forth with IT teams, he said. “You don’t have to worry about all the technical stuff,” Mr. Weerawarana said.

Using no-code platforms drives traditional software into a digital market. Testing, debugging, and deployment all take time and money—something that banks in particular keenly value. Many of today’s financial institutions are aggressively working toward modernizing systems they’ve depended on since the 1980s and replacing them with solutions like no-code platforms.


Household names Walmart and Amazon both revolutionized modern retail in different ways. They’ve also been on the cutting edge of change: Amazon is famous for leading the cloud market with its Amazon Web Services and Walmart has recently also shifted toward a cloud-first strategy, including building its own cloud platform.

Sensing changes in the wind and preparing for the No-Code Revolution, Walmart acquired the no-code startup Botmock in 2022. According to a 2022 report from Venture Beat:

The world’s largest retailer today announced plans to acquire technology assets of Botmock, a startup that has specialized software that makes it easy to build and deploy conversational applications using a no-code development platform. Financial details of the transaction were undisclosed at press time.

An increase in speed, productivity, and general efficient also often goes hand-in-hand with no-code approaches. According to the above report:

Building these options for customers in the past would require engineers to work with Walmart’s product and design teams to design a simple prototype. Depending on the complexity of the issue, it could take weeks or months to deploy, Ainoa said.

“With Botmock’s technology, our teams can build and deploy the conversational experience in just a few days,” Aino said.


Telling the future is tough, but you can certainly expect a greater need for healthcare in the near future. In fact, demand for healthcare has hit unprecedented levels in the United States, and that demand is only expected to increase over the next few decades.

Fortunately, the field has seen significant innovation over the past few years that have helped mitigate this problem. For example, telemedicine services were uncommon up until the COVID-19 pandemic, when allowing doctors to see their patients in the comfortable spaces of their homes made it easy for treatments to be administered at a time when we were told to go no-contact or isolate.

Another thing that has helped? The rise of no-code. For example, according to a 2022 article Healthcare IT Today:

As the healthcare industry continues to grapple with workforce challenges, anything that can be done to eliminate manual processes and reduce workload should be considered. Adopting a no-code/low-code technology solution frees up precious IT resources and allows end-users to configure the solution exactly the way the need it. Implementing a solution of this type for online data capture is a fantastic way to get started with no-code/low-code solutions.

The above article contains an interview with he founder and CEO of FormAssembly, a “user-friendly and HIPAA-compliant forms platform”. According to the company:

“FormAssembly is a data collection platform with all these features,” explained Savarese. “It helps organizations collect data through online forms and surveys in a way that’s easy-to-use, secure and compliant. The software is designed to be very easy-to-use and not require any sort of technical skills. It’s no-code software.”

Why is no-code an important consideration? Put simply, it’s far more efficient to have those closest to the need for a form, design and implement it rather than involving the IT department.


In 2021, in part due to the pandemic, the video game industry grew so huge that it became bigger than the movie industry and the North American sports industry combined. Huge leaps in graphics and accessibility have played a major role in this growth, and the demand for more story-driven character development and multiplayer expansion has allowed gamers—a term than encompasses a plethora of demographics—to become more engaged than ever before.

With the advent of the No-Code Revolution, no-code platforms have started pouring the groundwork for teams of non-coders to  create entirely new games with industry-leading software like Unity. Indeed, for several years now, a growing number of engines are moving away from the necessity of code, and embracing abstraction to appeal to a broader game developer base.

Food service

The food industry continues to embrace the No-Code Revolution. Most restaurants today use some type of industry-specific software, whether it’s a point of sale system or an app that allows for easy food orders and delivery. During the pandemic, as with so many other industries, restaurants the nation over began to reassess their operations and consider factors like efficiency and how best to allow for deliveries and pickups.

With what seems like a smart phone in every other pocket, there’s a lot to be gained from leaning into software. Many restaurants make their dishes from scratch, and many restaurant teams are increasingly hands-on with their apps and websites. Companies like Glide have targeted restaurants with no-code custom app solutions, and many small business, including restaurants, now use no-code website builders like Squarespace or Wix.

Mobile applications

Most of the above discussion ultimately rotates around the use and need for mobile apps. There’s never been a time in history where people have engaged more with software, and that software generally takes the form of mobile apps found in the smartphones they carry around in their pocket. In turn, most of the above no-code solutions, whether finance, retail, healthcare, gaming, or food, rotate specifically around mobile apps.

Each one of these mobile apps needs to be tested before each and every release. And there’s no easy way to put it: If an app isn’t tested thoroughly enough, app developers risk a disaster. However, due to a combination of an app user’s expectation of perfection and the advanced functions of the modern app, mobile testing mobile apps is also more expensive and time-consuming than every before.

Fortunately, the No-Code Revolution has also come for mobile app testing. With Sofy, you can test your mobile apps without a single line of code, greatly speeding up your release dates while requiring far less resources than normal. Want to check it out yourself? Get a demo with Sofy today and see the no-code mobile app testing difference for yourself.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed above are those of the contributor and do not necessarily represent or reflect the official beliefs or positions of Sofy.

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