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shift left testing

Graphic showing shifting left for accessibility testing,

How Shift Left Testing Improves Accessibility Testing

Ensuring that mobile applications are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, is critical to software development. This commitment extends beyond compliance with legal standards or ethical considerations—it is fundamental to reaching a broader audience and enhancing user engagement.  By integrating accessibility testing early in the development process, a practice known as “shift left …

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Shiftleft Competitors: The Race to Peak Efficiency 

So what’s all this about shifting left and shiftleft competitors? You’ve probably heard a few phrases associated with testing early into the cycle (like test early, test often) but they can all be expressed by way of a famous quote from before industrialization: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This maxim, uttered by …

Shiftleft Competitors: The Race to Peak Efficiency  Read More »

An arrow pointing leftward, signifying the concept of shift-left testing

Shift-Left Testing & DevOps: Why Shift Left?

Now is the era of shift-left testing. Little by little, modern development processes are tearing down the vestiges of the establishment. Gone are the days of waterfall, large and unruly design artifacts, and bloated change committees (well, almost).  Processes move faster, deployments occur more quickly, and teams collaborate closer than ever before. And it’s all …

Shift-Left Testing & DevOps: Why Shift Left? Read More »