New feature: SofySense – Manual test case & test results AI generator to help you speed up your testing process. Try it today.  

Sofy launches product feature suite to deliver effortless test maintenance and ensure continuous precision – learn more.

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The Evolution of Sofy: Past, Present, and Future

A look at the history of Sofy, Sofy today, and a taste of the Sofy of the future!

Sure, today the Sofy platform is a world-class no-code mobile app automation testing powerhouse, but this hasn’t always been the case. The road to the no-code automation revolution has been a long one, and there have been plenty of bumps in the road along the way. For this blog entry, let’s take a quick look into this past.

Sofy 1.0: 2017-2019

Sofy formally began operations in 2017, when a few former Microsoft executives launched the platform. At the time, the company described itself as follows:

Sofy is a Software-as-a-Service available at Sofy taps, types and swipes through your mobile apps while measuring performance and tracking user experience. Sofy tests apps on a number of parameters including performance, reliability, functionality and user experience.

However, Sofy failed to gain traction during this period. Why? We identify two primary factors: 

  1. Sofy was ahead of its time: Not long ago, DevOps teams were still focused on manual testing and had not yet embraced automated testing in significant numbers. The no-code revolution was still a long way off.
  2. At the time, the product did not meet expectations: For example, there was not enough test data for machine learning models and underlying systems were constantly shifting.

Sofy 2.0: 2020-2021

Sofy 2.0 saw a variety of changes. For example, during this period, Sofy—or, as the company stylized the name at the time, SOFY—launched Sofy Live and Sofy Automate, a precursor to the systems core to the Sofy experience today. 

Indeed, this was the period in which the modern Sofy began to emerge—and right as a major shift was occurring during the Covid-19 pandemic. As Sofy put it at the time:

In the current environment with developers and testers working remotely, testing mobile apps, presents several unique challenges – remote access to devices, gathering insights into tester productivity, usage stats on devices during testing and ability to see rich contextual information when issues are logged so developers can diagnose and fix the issues. SOFY’s cloud-based testing platform is uniquely designed to address these challenges.

In other words, the development world’s long-projected move toward no-code solutions was rapidly becoming a reality. This was in no small part accelerated by the needs of the Covid-19 pandemic, where the business world suddenly experienced a necessary shift from in-office workspaces toward a new work-from-home workforce. Along with this shift came a necessity to rapidly integrate new technologies. 

In addition to automated testing, Sofy continued to support manual testing and coded test automation solutions during this period.

Sofy 3.0+: Into the future!

As far as we’re concerned, we’re just getting started. Behind the scenes, Sofy is hard at work not only improving on the Sofy of today, but hammering away at the Sofy of tomorrow. At Sofy, our company DNA is innovation, and our business is to make your development life easier, faster, and more pleasant all around. That’s exactly what the Sofy community expects—and we wouldn’t have it any other way! 

But what exactly are we working on? As of April 2022, features to look out for in future Sofy releases include:

  1. Automatic test case generation using machine learning: Machine learning (ML) is a hot topic here at Sofy. Automatic test generation by way of machine learning has been a major Sofy goal since the earliest days of the platform, and we continue to experiment with this feature.
  2. Web testing: In time, we aim to make Sofy one of the most comprehensive platforms for testing across mobile platforms—and the internet as a whole.
  3. New frontiers: We’re currently testing support for AR/VR, gaming, smart TV, and apps for any other platform. 

At this time, we are unable to provide projected release dates for these features. Watch this space!

The No-Code Revolution is now!

At this point, you’ve no doubt read a lot about the increasingly-hyped no-code revolution. At Sofy, we’ve long identified the many benefits of full no-code test automated and have diligently worked toward turning the dream into reality.

Today’s Sofy allows teams of all sizes and shapes to experience the many benefits that come with accessible and yet cutting edge no-code solutions, including tremendous savings in time, costs, and other resources. It’s no overstatement to say that the Sofy team works obsessively to deliver the best possible no-code mobile app test automation solution possible. 

Of course, what really matters is what Sofy can do for you now. Forget the past, present, and future—if you haven’t tried Sofy, now is the best time to begin saving yourself the time, energy, and resources that you could be putting elsewhere. Give Sofy a try today. 

Additionally, if you’re interested in taking a closer look at what the Sofy team has been cooking up, we invite you to take a look at our release notes here!

Learn the importance of unit testing in mobile app development, including types, benefits, challenges, best practices, and how to leverage Sofy’s scriptless testing platform.