New feature: SofySense – Manual test case & test results AI generator to help you speed up your testing process. Try it today.  

Sofy launches product feature suite to deliver effortless test maintenance and ensure continuous precision – learn more.

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Now upload and share app builds directly from Bitrise CI/CD into Sofy

A robust CI/CD is core for swift mobile app engineering operations today. Sofy wants to ensure sharing builds with team should be easy and automatic.

Bitrise is a mobile-first CI/CD platform that helps development teams build, test, and deploy much faster saving thousands of hours. With the help of Bitrise, developers get: 

  1. Full mobile stack coverage: incorporates automation into every step of the app development and deployment process. Whether your app is native or cross-platform, it builds the initial workflows automatically and gets you going in minutes.
  2. Works anywhere: Bitrise works with any tech stack and Git service. You can also run your config locally, by downloading your bitrise.yml and use their open source CLI to debug a build or to run your automations from the terminal.
  3. Easy setup and maintenance of apps: Bitrise offers more than 300 steps and integrations to easily connect the processes and services you use in your mobile development workflows. Setup becomes a breeze and maintenance is drastically reduced, saving you both time and money. Steps are fully open sourced, allowing everyone to submit or improve on steps at any time. 

Sofy’s latest integration as a Bitrise Verified Step means that you can now upload builds directly into Sofy from your development pipeline in Bitrise. Now easily: 

  1. Send your app to the whole team at once  
  2. No need to manually configure it on everyone’s device 
  3. Release builds for testing on the fly, test new features faster, and maintain hassle-free staging, beta, and production environments 

As always, Sofy will take care of the setup, environment, device availability, and reporting and let you focus on testing; with the Bitrise integration, these features will also seamlessly integrate with your CI/CD workflow. You can get started with Bitrise, or if you’re a Bitrise user already, setup the integration here. You can also read detailed documentation here.

It is difficult to overstate the importance of a robust, well-integrated CI/CD tool in the modern development world . Especially in mobile app development, where bug fixes are not immediately pushed to the end-user, it is imperative that testing and debugging are flawless. We are proud to offer a robust and ever-growing array of integrations that help make Sofy a thoroughly integrated and integral part of the development pipeline, including several CI/CD platforms. 

Learn the importance of unit testing in mobile app development, including types, benefits, challenges, best practices, and how to leverage Sofy’s scriptless testing platform.