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It’s Definitely Time for Mobile App Testing ROI

Today's landscape is one of uncertainty and change. Mobile app testing isn't going anywhere. It's time to talk about mobile app testing ROI.

Now is the time to discuss mobile app testing ROI. Return on investment—that is, ROI—is the magical metric tied to almost every business decision. Whether it’s breaking into a new market or investing in a new product, businesses want to know if it’s worth the effort, whether they’ll end up getting back more than what they put in. Return on investment is usually the first metric executives expect you to answer for whenever you present a change: What’s in it for me?

We’ve seen the question of ROI amplify over the last year due to an uncertain business landscape, where the aftershocks of the initial waves of the pandemic continue to reverberate throughout the business world, following by earthshaking technological advancements and a rollercoaster of hiring and layoffs.

Our LinkedIn feeds, favorite news sites, and colleagues  all inform us of wave after wave of advancements in AI technology, difficulties in hiring, and, most recently, huge layoffs at some of the largest tech companies in the word. One thing is for certain: Billion-dollar behemoths and small startups alike are tightening their belts and seeking clear-cut and immediate ROI.

Between hiring troubles and a widespread need to streamline, what’s a company to do? Let’s take a look at some shifts happening in the mobile app testing world and how your company can best withstand this turbulent period.

Navigating a landscape of uncertainty and change

You’ve seen the news: Salesforce recently laid off 10% of its employees after—as the company says—hiring too many peopleMicrosoft, Google, and Amazon followed suit. And who knows what we’ll see in the news tomorrow? There’s no shortage of debate as to what happened and who is to blame.

Yet one thing is for certain: Layoffs never look good, and definitely don’t feel good, either.

This round of layoffs arrives after a long period of extreme hiring difficulties, where exploding salaries and FAANG companies seemed to snap up software engineers at a record pace. Just last year Korn Ferry discussed this issue in depth, concluding that, by 2030, demand for skilled workers will outstrip supply, resulting in a global talent shortage of more than 85.2 million people.

Huge layoffs and crisis-level hiring problems? It’s weird out there. So how can you future-proof your organization from similar issues? Honestly, there’s no way to predict the future, but there are some smart decisions you can bake into your production to help insulate your operations from this kind of disruption.

The great shift to scriptless

It’s a historic fact that businesses will automate what makes sense to automate. That’s a natural component of technical innovation and evolution, one that goes hand-in-hand with automation. And if you’re not not as critical when business is booming as when it’s struggling, you’re gambling with rough times.

In this post, we’ll outline how scriptless testing automation can help your mobile app testing navigate troubled waters, both now and in the future. Tools like Sofy allow businesses to save significant costs on software testing while delivering maximum ROI. 

This isn’t about replacing a workforce, it’s about avoiding the stress of layoffs and freeing resources to work on value-adding tasks. 

In our biased opinion, it’s a change all software companies should’ve made years ago. After all, think about where the majority of your IT resources are concentrated. Is it at the value drivers—like feature and product enhancement—or are they writing tests, staging environments, and fixing preventable issues?

And what happens when development slows down?

Unfortunately, we know the answer.

I’m not saying all of those things aren’t essential, but leveraging a no-code solution can certainly help. And, of course, achieving mobile app testing ROI.

Six depictions of digital and human brains.
Image: Sofy x Nsit

The case for no-code

This combination of hiring difficulties and layoffs across the tech industry make perhaps the greatest case for low-code and no-code tools. It takes so many resources to support the modern development lifecycle, especially considering the recent emphasis on DevOps. So, how do you do more with less? Fewer resources. Less budget. Higher expectations.

And—perhaps most importantly—embracing abstraction.

Abstraction frees up resources by automating repetitive tasks so that organizations can focus on the mission-critical, to look towards (and prepare for) tomorrow. And nowhere is this evolution more needed than testing. Implementing a proven and effective tool at what has become a common bottleneck can provide ample return on investment.

The old way of testing software will no longer cut it. Organizations no longer have the luxury of spending hours writing, debugging, updating, deploying, and organizing test scripts, only to inadvertently introduce new bugs into their system anyways.

Mobile app testing ROI & scriptless testing automation 

So, how does scriptless automation testing improve ROI? Let’s look at a few ways.

Faster testing

Sofy’s advanced automation capabilities allow organizations to run and scale tests much faster than traditional manual or automated tests. With a no-code UI, you can record a test case, automate it, and test it on a real device. Sofy’s Real Device Lab provides you with cloud-based, pre-configured, and internally-maintained real devices to run your tests. Test more frequently, release more frequently, and spend less while improving your customer’s experience along the way.

Reduced labor costs

A combination of factors, labor costs can be difficult to calculate. Yet however you figure it, the cost to hire, train, equip, and associated management costs quickly add up. Sofy hands you the ability to quickly automate repetitive and time-consuming testing tasks, reducing the need to add more work on overtaxed employees, and reducing the need to add to your headcount.

Improved test coverage

Sofy makes writing tests easy, which improves test coverage. Sofy’s intelligent engine identifies vulnerabilities before they occur and adjusts automatically for device sizes, screen resolution, and other form factors. Smart regression catches every code change and analyzes its impacts. Intelligent insights determine root causes with > 98% accuracy. AI and Natural Language Processing allow Sofy to understand the intent behind your test, not just your actions, so it can automatically recommend. Finally, Sofy updates to your test classes based on changes. An increase in code coverage greatly mitigates the risk of expensive post-release fixes.

Increased productivity

Sofy frees up manual testers to focus on more complex and creative tasks. Spend less time debugging, preparing environments, acquiring devices, and spending more time releasing new features that amaze customers. 

Cross-platform and multi-device

Sofy provides automation across multiple platforms and devices. This means you don’t have to worry about staging environments, configuration, storage, and the many other tedious things associated with cross-platform and multi-device testing. With Sofy, you can simply digitally ‘grab’ a real device from the device lab and get to testing.

Sofy’s Real Device Lab grants your team access to hundreds of devices in the cloud, allowing you to test from anywhere with ease. With each device acquisition, you get a clean device with your application installed—no more searching for builds and environments.

Maximizing mobile app testing ROI

Whether you’re a part of it or not, the No-Code Revolution is definitely here. Organizations are beginning to realize the cost-reducing, value-driving force of no-code. 

Luckily, you don’t hear about them on the news! Now is the time to automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, reduce labor costs and improve test coverage. It’s time to test quicker, deploy more, and deliver value faster. And Sofy is here to help.

Learn the importance of unit testing in mobile app development, including types, benefits, challenges, best practices, and how to leverage Sofy’s scriptless testing platform.